Romeo, Oh, Romeo

Three ladies and I went into Stockholm and Ericsson Globe, to see The Ladies Night performance on the 15th of October. We liked the show. Can´t post any nice pictures though from it. Just one of me going on the train into town and one of me in the Globe before the concert. But what about Romeo...
On the subway to the Globe we met this really cute couple, that had travelled to Stockholm to see Romeo and Juliet - only, she didn´t know where they were going. He had bought the tickets and planned the evening, just for her. And let me tell you - he really loves that girl.
He gave her this long look, that gave me gooesbumps all over. Bittersweet I might add. I was together with my husband for about 20 years, and he NEVER looked at me that way.
I do hope that that couple will last a lifetime. That look - full of Love for her. It was as if we were not even there. He only had eyes for her.  :) Hopefully they had a very pleasent night.

I also add a picture of Eleonora and Birgitta, in her new poncho that Eleonora knitted. Wounderful colours!
Anyway, I´ve had a very very nice long weekend with Eleonora, Marianne and Birgitta.
Thank you very much, for your company and friendship. Hope to see you´ll soon!

This computer and crappy internet is getting the best of me. Don´t know that´s wrong, but I`m cutting it close...
Cant add more then the first picture.   ;(

Good night!

FINALLY IT WORKS...but probably not for long...

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